Saturday 17 October 2015

To speak, or to remain silent

Sometimes, we do not know whether to speak or whether we should remain silent. To make our decision, we will consider the situation, the moment and our interlocutor.

This message helped me to develop the basic idea of this article: to speak, or to remain silent:

"If you swallow everything you are feeling you shall be overwhelmed by grief, at the end. It is much better that you express, or canalize it, someway”.

We are continually learning new things, and trying to "unlearn" others; modifying our behavior, according to circumstances, knowledge and experiences. As always, it seems certain that virtue is at the mean.

Sometimes, we might decide to keep quiet, preserving our privacy, and not communicating to others what we think, or feel.

During some stages of our life, or in some situations, we tend to silence many things. That is not good at all. We don’t talk about what makes us worry. We don’t deliberately decide to do this. We keep silence because we are afraid to speak or reveal what happens to us. Maybe, we don’t have enough self-confidence, or we doubt if people will understand and listen to us, really.

We accumulate everything inside us; what we feel, what happens to us, what we want: our fears, our doubts. We are like a bomb ready to explode. There are too many emotions and thoughts. We feel confused and paralyzed. We go around the same things, one day and another. We need serenity to understand what happens to us, and try to find solutions to our difficulties.

We should learn how to express what we are thinking and what we feel.  Sometimes, we don’t have things clear. We should take our time to clarify the ideas and to calm ourselves. We must be very careful when talking to others, in order to avoid that they may get confused because of our words.

Usually, we move to the opposite extreme. This happens, when expressing all kind of feelings to the others, without any limit; as we think that they understand and know us, very well. Mistakenly, we believe that we can freely express all our thoughts and the feelings of our hearts to them. We hardly see that, perhaps, they are not the best persons to talk about what is happening to us; or that it is not a good moment to have an enough formal conversation.

While there is confusion in us, it would be better to write for ourselves what we need to express. This would help us to clarify our doubts and concerns. Then, we can decide whether it is wise to talk to the other person. Thus, we avoid the danger to let the other person to discover the feelings of our hearts, unnecessarily.

Another way to drive the feelings and the thoughts that we may have is to engage ourselves in activities that we enjoy, that make us feel useful, productive and creative.

This is a short text written from the Spanish one: “Hablar o callar”. To see the Spanish version go to this link:

Este es un texto corto en inglés escrito desde el texto en español: “Hablar o callar”. Para acceder al texto en español, accede al siguiente link:   


  1. I love your thoughts in this short essays!! You are so right! I will print them to keep your advices at hand......they are so useful!
    My warmest congratulations Magda! Thanks for sharing them!

    1. Thanks. Sorry, I didn't see your message before.
